Challenge Activities Menu
Activity Value: 1 Point
The activities below, once completed and submitted, are 1 point each.
Healthy option snack replacements at drill/meeting
Healthy option meal replacements at drill/meeting
Department walk
View a health/wellness related webinar
Listen to a health/wellness-related podcast
Work out
Ice skating
Bucket Pass
While at your local school for fire safety, do an exercise with the students (20 jumping jacks, plank challenge!)
Health-related topic discussions as a department (proof of resource site required)
Monthly blood pressure check
Push-up challenge
Monthly reading of Line of Duty Deaths
Hose pass
Replace soda and sugary beverages with water and healthy alternatives
Replace department snacks with healthy option
Mindfulness (meditation, breathing exercise, stretching exercise)
Trail walk
Plank Challenge - See how long your members can hold the plank position!
Create a firematic obstacle course full of physical activity!
Other: Have an activity in mind that is not listed? We invite you to be creative. Check in with Sullivan 180 to confirm the activity is eligible.
Activity Value: 2 Points
The activities below, once completed and submitted, are 2 points each.
QPR: Question Persuade Refer, Suicide Awareness Training for First Responders in department training
Narcan: in-department training
Become a non-smoking campus (Signage required and provided)
Cooking class
Weekly water challenge entry
Weekly weight loss challenge entry
Department Zoom with a health resource
In-house health resource presentation
Yoga class
Litter pluck
Establishing or joining a league
Family-focused involved health activity
Youth vs. Adults’ basketball/kickball/softball
Monthly health board (provide resources and helpful tips every month on a designated health bulletin board)
Community Run/Walk races (R4, Monster, Walk/Run for ALS, etc.)
Fire Department Sleepover: Plan a fun night in at your fire department! Bring your family and your sleeping bags, have a cookout, watch movies, and design your own version of a campout or sleepover in your department!
Zumba class: Invite someone to come in a hold a Zumba Class
Count your Zzz’s Chart (End of month entry from five or more active members is worth 2 points. Points are not per person.)
Go to your local animal shelter and walk a dog
CATCH My Breath Information Session (smoking cessation).
Know Your Numbers Screening with Garnet Health: A Garnet Health professional comes to your department. With one small prick of your finger, you will receive vital readings on your cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose & blood pressure.
Create an incident response journal - Five (5) or more members maintain a journal to check in and log your physical and mental well-being after each call. At the end of the month, discretely show the Challenge Captain that you have completed the journal without sharing the content of your entries. Your department will earn two (2) points for participation.
Game Night Challenge: Come together at your department to watch your favorite sports game.
Jumping jacks: Do 10 jumping jacks when your team gets a first down
Sit-ups: Do 10 sit-ups when your opponent gets a first down
Burpees: Do three burpees for each field goal or six burpees for each touchdown
Lunges: Do seven lunges if the other team makes the extra point
Planks or wall squats: Hold a plank or wall squat until the game resumes for every time out
Healthy Firehouse Cook-Off: Host a friendly competition where members cook and share healthy meals during firehouse gatherings (Bring in a special guest to judge!)
Outdoor camping excursion
Participate in an interactive course with Ellenville Regional Hospital, Garnet Medical or another community partner (contact Lindsay for scheduling options).
Other: Have an activity in mind that is not listed? We invite you to be creative. Check in with Sullivan 180 to confirm the activity is eligible.
Activity Value: 3 Points
The activities below, once completed, documented and submitted, are 3 points each.
Health & Wellness classes/speakers held at the Sullivan County Training Center
Health & Wellness classes/speakers held at the Cablevision Center
Adopting and implementing a Wellness Policy
Fire Tower Hike
Peace, Love & Lights Walk-Thru Monday at Bethel Woods Center for the Arts - December 18, 2024
SnO&W in Parksville - February 22, 2025
International Overdose Awareness Day
Polar Plunge
Beautify the exterior of your department (May be eligible for grant support).
Conduct a drive of healthy items for your community food pantry or school based backpack program
Activity Value: 5 Points (New in 2025!)
The activities below, once completed, documented and submitted, are 5 points each.
Certain on going activities, denoted below, if completed for all eight (8) months will earn an extra five (5) points.
Water Challenge
Count Your Zzz’s/Sleep Tracker
Monthly Health Board Update
Sugar Tracker
Reading of Line of Duty Deaths
Get creative! Challenges not listed that are approved through Sullivan 180 are eligible for bonus points. Just ask.
The 36-Item Short Form Survey - Complete the (SF-36) 36 question survey at both the start and end of the challenge. This survey, commonly used in community health, assesses health-related quality of life (HRQL) across key areas, including physical functioning, mental health, and social functioning. Departments that complete both surveys will receive an additional five (5) points added to their final score.
Sullivan County Training Center Classes
The classes listed will count towards the challenge and are worth 3 points each. As with all activities, five or more of your active members must attend/participate. To submit an activity, follow the submission process and upload photo of your group at the training center. Register within your department per standard training facility class protocol. All classes are at 7 PM at the Sullivan County Training Center unless otherwise noted.
January 28: Rhabdomyolysis Awareness
February 19: Public Safety Wellness, Fitness & Rehabilitation Awareness
This course will assist agencies in realizing the benefits of a wellness, fitness, and an on-scene rehabilitation program. Through regulations, consensus standards and professional organization programs, attendees will be assisted in the development of a program to provide longevity to their members.
March 26: Getting Your ZZZs
Volunteer firefighters are constantly balancing work, home life and volunteerism all leading to sleep deprivation and the dangers that come along with it. Learn sleep strategies for the volunteer firefighter.
April 8: Narcan Training
The Naloxone (NARCAN) training course will review how to recognize the signs of an opioid overdose and how to administer the opioid reversal drug Naloxone. Of the 62 counties in New York State, Sullivan County is leading in overdose fatality. You will learn what substances are prevalent in our area and what actions are being taken by our local and state leaders.
May 28: Responder Strong
July (TBD): Firefighter Contamination Reduction & Cancer Awareness
Occupational cancer due to firefighting is a silent killer. Firefighters face a 9% increase in cancer diagnoses and a 14% increase in cancer related deaths. Unlike many tragic events that take firefighters' lives, many firefighters are dying due to firefighting related cancers. Unfortunately, many of these deaths often go unnoticed. Learn how to take steps to help prevent these deaths from occurring. This initiative is a combination of awareness and education about the cancer threat with actions and policies that help to reduce the threat.
2025 Dates to Remember
January 18: Polar Plunge at White Lake Fire Department
January 28: Rhabdomyolysis Awareness at the Sullivan County Training Center, 7:00 PM
February 19: Public Safety Wellness, Fitness & Rehabilitation Awareness at the Sullivan County Training Center, 7:00 PM
February 21: 98.3 WSUL Heart-A-Thon & Blood Drive
February 22: SnO&W at the Parksville Rail Trail - Bundle up with your members, family, friends and pups to walk the snowy O&W Rail Trail
March 26: Get your Zzz’s at the Sullivan County Training Center, 7:00 PM
April 8: Narcan Training at the Sullivan County Training Center, 7:00 PM
May 28: Responder Strong at the Sullivan County Training Center, 7:00 PM
July (TBD): Firefighter Decontamination and Cancer Awareness Class at the Sullivan County Training Center, 7:00 PM
August 28: International Overdose Awareness Day at the Sullivan County Courthouse lawn, 6:30 PM
September 6: Annual Sullivan County Volunteer Firefighters Parade in Monticello
Challenge Captain Meetings
Last Thursday of the month at 6:30 PM via Zoom: January 30, February 27, March 27, April 24, May 29, June 26, July 31, August 21
“This challenge is a vehicle for so many things. First and foremost, to incorporate resources into the departments, to build the relationship within the department family, to bring much-deserved attention and recognition to volunteerism for recruitment and retention, and to include their loved ones as so much time is spent selflessly away from home. Volunteers dedicate their lives to serving others, it is time we help them serve themselves.”
To schedule a class, please contact Lindsay Wheat, Outreach Program Manager.
Email | 845-295-2683