Encouraging Healthy Behaviors
Learn, commit and act to encourage healthy behaviors!
Encouraging Healthy Behaviors aligns with the Sullivan County Health Improvement Plan and the roadmap to health that is being facilitated by the County.
This roadmap sets a path for community-led solutions to encouraging healthy behaviors that can be easily implemented.
Reduce Smoking & Vaping
Evidence-Based Strategy: Use media and health communications to highlight the dangers of tobacco use and reshape social norms.
Activity: Honor a tobacco control-related event (Taking Down Tobacco Day, World No Tobacco Day) with a media campaign that includes resources to support quitting and engage one resource to assist with your effort.
Reduce Obesity
Evidence-Based Strategy: Increase the number of institutions with nutrition standards for healthy food and beverage procurement.
Activity: Eliminate Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and/or adopt the American Heart Association Healthy Vending Standards.
Increase Physical Activity
Evidence-Based Strategy: Implement obesity prevention guidelines utilizing the 5-2-1-Almost None model.
Activity: Create a marketing campaign/health communications strategy around the 5-2-1-Almost None model or the Sullivan County trails.
What Members of Our Community Are Saying
“From walks and talks to arts and gardening, Sullivan 180, your programs make a positive impact. Ask me, I know!”
— Hope Blecher, Sullivan 180 Community Health Champion
“Working with Sullivan 180 by participating in the Encouraging Healthy Behaviors Challenge was a wonderful way to highlight our program and the resources we can provide to Sullivan County.”
— Lisa Heintz, Community Engagement Lead, Tobacco Free Action Communities
“To tackle the generational health challenges facing our community, Sullivan County needs a network of partners working together toward common goals. Sullivan 180 does a masterful job of uniting those partners, and we are proud to advance public health alongside such caring and dedicated professionals.”
— John Liddle, DHHS/DSS Commissioner, County of Sullivan