College Scholarships Available for Volunteer Efforts

2024 Scholarship awardees Liza Mitchell (left) and Erin Skinner (right) with project supervisor Hope.

Volunteer with a Sullivan 180 Project to be Eligible

 [LIBERTY, NY] The 2025 Sullivan 180 Scholarship application is now available.  The scholarship program recognizes volunteer efforts in projects that support the Sullivan 180 mission to build a healthy community through people, places, and policy; with an intentional focus on prevention and empowering a healthier generation. Communities and organizations participating in the 2025 Sullivan 180 grant program welcome volunteer assistance in various activities, including but not limited to gardening, beautification, caring for public spaces, project documentation, outreach, or fundraising.

The Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan, through a donor-advised fund established by Sullivan 180, offers a limited number of scholarships to Sullivan County residents who volunteer in a significant way with a Sullivan 180 project. 

Applications are due by August 21, 2025, and must be completed electronically via the Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivanโ€™s Online Portal. Applicants should submit a personal essay explaining the volunteer experience and how it impacted them personally, a letter of recommendation from the Sullivan 180 project leader, a letter of recommendation from a member of the community or other non-relative and photos from the volunteer experience. Visit for directions and links for applying.

Scholarships are announced in September; and are applied toward the 2026 spring semester at an undergraduate college of oneโ€™s choice. 

For more information on the scholarship program or how to get involved in a Sullivan 180 project, contact Anne-Louise Scandariato, Director of Community Engagement at 845-295-2405 or


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